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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Federal Investigators: foreclosure attorneys working on Fannie’s behalf in Florida “routinely made” false statements in court

fannie-mae-foreclosuresThere is just so much that is disturbing in this country, in our communities and especially in our court systems. I used to live under the delusion that our courts were somehow above most of the fraud and corruption that exists in the larger world….that judges had the desire and the initiative to sniff out lies and fraud….and especially campaigns of long term and systemic fraud and abuses.

I remember after Florida’s Attorney General announced investigations into most of the foreclsoure mills operating in Florida thinking that surely, someone was going to step in and stand up for truth, for justice, for right and wrong….for the Rule of Law.   After the Florida Bar announced investigations into the crime scene that our courtrooms had become, I was certain that the curtain would be rolled back and the hammer would drop.   After Fannie Mae’s foreclosure baron David Stern just walked away from hundreds of thousands of cases pending in foreclosure courtrooms all across this state and after he was the target of one lawsuit after another, I thought, surely the Bar or someone might oh, I don’t know, swat him on the wrist.   Or at least take away the keys to one of his yachts or maybe take the keys to one of his many extraordinary vehicles…..but nothing has happened.

And it looks like nothing will happen.   So what exactly does this say about our country today?   And what does this say about where we are heading as a nation?

Read the Wall Street Journal Report