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Fascism On Parade: Rick Scott Sells Precious Florida Land To Connected Insiders

wetlands-banksForget about foreclosures….when the Rick Scott administration is done with this state, land will be so devalued because the stink of fraud and corruption will have so buried this state, no sane person would want to stay…much less any responsible corporation.
Speaking of corporations….Rick Scott is certainly fulfilling his campaign promise to make Florida more business friendly….he’s selling off our precious state in large chunks to developers.   God have mercy on all our souls….
And now, the latest ReTHUGliCON outrage of the day from the Tampa Times:
A controversial wetlands project that already has been the focus of two inspector general investigations was granted its permit last week by the state Department of Environmental Protection.
The Highlands Ranch Mitigation Bank project has been embroiled in controversy since May, when the DEP’s top wetlands expert, Connie Bersok, refused to approve the permit and subsequently was suspended.
Bersok contended that the project would be bad for the environment. Her bosses suspected she was leaking damaging information about it to activists and reporters, but an inspector general’s investigation cleared her.