Like most Amerikans, I put aside my Christmas joy long enough to peer inside the frolicking Dimon’s as the romp around their mansion, in a photograph that is disgustingly symbolic of what is wrong in this country. The card (once again) is printed below.
The card was apparently only supposed to go to friends of these arrogant, oblivious maniacal sociopaths, but the larger world is seeing it…and we all need to pay attention to the message in their holiday cards. There have been numerous stories picking up on this card, but really the exercise must be for each of us as individuals to look at the card and think about what it means to all of us individually.
To me, and those of us who are fighting in the trenches, in the battlefield of the misery and the carnage that the Financial Services Wizards have created, the card sums up perfectly what these people think about the world that they have created. In the worlds they inhabit, this is the behavior they are entitled to.
They have no conception or perception about exactly what damage they have caused to real people and they certainly have no concern or care that they might ever be held to pay any consequences.
Not many people across America have much conception for the fact that these large institutions are not private entities at all….they are wards of the state, living, surviving, thriving even off the patronage, the gifts and all the money of The People.
The scandals, the crimes, the corruption of JPMorgan Chase are so far off every chart that it makes no sense to continue repeating them. Dimon famously brandished his cufflinks before Congress to say…
But (again) enough of all the big, big picture stuff….we all need to focus down on the ground level at the real impact of all this. Chaos in communities, chaos in courtrooms, chaos in individual families. I wish, that for just a few moments each day, judges would focus some of their anger, their angst, their frustration at the true architects of all this chaos. No, not the hapless and financially illiterate borrower before them….the Masters of the Financial Universes that have been robbing us all blind for decades now.
It of course is not just JPMorgan, although they certainly are (rightfully) enjoying so much of the frolicking attention these days. There is no sense of balance in this world right now and things will only get worse in 2014. On the bigger policy fronts, the decision makers want to move on past the scandals and the crimes…they are happy to absorb their tiny settlement figures….but the misery that these crimes have caused will continue to be felt by communicates and individuals for decades to come.
The consequences will be felt as more and more communities and individuals pay the higher and higher fees passed along to them. The consequences will be felt more and more as Florida’s Foreclosure Purge sends more and more families into the streets, leaving more and more homes vacant and in need of care or purchased by investors and foreign interests.
But where are the families? What of the individuals who continue to suffer? Who will stop for a moment and think of them?
Jamie Dimon Perp Walk Story Here