It is a terribly frustrating reality that whistleblowers and activists and attorneys who are defending and protecting consumers find themselves squarely in the cross hairs for persecution, harassment and even worse by all manner of powerful forces that are aligned against them.
Doing good work, and doing the right work which promotes the larger public good and shows the highest values of the profession of the practice of law does not protect you, but in fact makes you a target when you are taking on the powerful interests that run and govern this nation….just ask any attorney who practices in the space of defending consumers.
With that in mind, I am frequently consulting with ethics attorneys, doing my best to uphold the very high standards that are imposed….I encourage everyone in this space to do the same…..and to contact a very good expert in this field, Tim Chinaris who writes a great ethics blog:
Lawyers are busier than ever before. Many things compete for their time and attention. Throughout it all, lawyers must remain on top of developments in their particular fields of practice ““ and must keep abreast of changes in legal ethics, which affect all lawyers. These materials are designed to help lawyers learn about significant developments in legal ethics that may affect them. The following summaries of rule changes, cases, and ethics opinions reflect developments that occurred during 2011. The summaries are arranged by subject. For continuing updates on Florida legal and judicial ethics developments, please visit the ” sunEthics” website (