The fraud, the crimes, the corruption that the elites have been permitted to engage in and that that the entirety of the United States government has permitted to occur will lead increasingly to the destabilization of this entire country. How should an unemployed and hopeless father react when the sheriffs come to evict him and his family, when he knows full well that the banks have been permitted to engage in gross crimes and wrongdoing, that the banks have been paid over and over and bailed out over and over again and when the banks have been permitted to engage in continued abuse of him and millions of other consumers? At what point in time will the reality of consumer abuses become so real that people finally begin to fight back?
Perhaps a breaking point will come when Sheriffs begin to execute tens of thousands of Writs of Possession in communities across the State of Florida, making good on a statewide policy objective of
I wonder whether Sheriffs might wake up at some point in time and push back against the insanity of their officers being sent into service for entities like Deutsche Bank, sending them in to conflict to throw their neighbors out into the street for a few hundred bucks. Perhaps that will be a breaking point.
Will college students, when they realize their student loan debts will never be repaid and that they have been sold into a modern day form of slavery, wake up to the realization that their monthly student loan obligations fund the ongoing criminal enterprises that are the nationalized banks? Perhaps that will be a breaking point.
We cannot know what the many breaking points will be, but one thing is certain….there will come breaking points….many of them.
[advanced-iframe securitykey=”a89b984039fb3b09578b3059dd44d761a319ccc0″ src=”” width=”1000″]Criminal proceedings were brought against Wachovia, though not against any individual, but the case never came to court. In March 2010, Wachovia settled the biggest action brought under the US bank secrecy act, through the US district court in Miami. Now that the year’s “deferred prosecution” has expired, the bank is in effect in the clear. It paid federal authorities $110m in forfeiture, for allowing transactions later proved to be connected to drug smuggling, and incurred a $50m fine for failing to monitor cash used to ship 22 tons of cocaine.
More shocking, and more important, the bank was sanctioned for failing to apply the proper anti-laundering strictures to the transfer of $378.4bn – a sum equivalent to one-third of Mexico’s gross national product – into dollar accounts from so-called casas de cambio (CDCs) in Mexico, currency exchange houses with which the bank did business.
“Wachovia’s blatant disregard for our banking laws gave international cocaine cartels a virtual carte blanche to finance their operations,” said Jeffrey Sloman, the federal prosecutor. Yet the total fine was less than 2% of the bank’s $12.3bn profit for 2009. On 24 March 2010, Wells Fargo stock traded at $30.86 – up 1% on the week of the court settlement.