But An Assignment of Mortgage Was Executed A Month Before
I had a trial on March 4. A Chase witness took the stand and testified under penalties of perjury for hours. Just this morning I found an assignment of mortgage indicating the debt was transferred to HUD a month before the trial.
Here is what the foreclosure mill attorney responded when I advised her of what I’d found:
Chase was the servicer of the loan on the date of the trial. Plaintiff never stated they owned the note, the action was brought in the name of the servicer. Plaintiff testified they were the holder, not the owner. We have presented a proposed Final Judgment to the court. Please feel free to present your own proposed judgment and file whatever motions you deem appropriate.
What you see here is the shell game that is being played on consumers and courts all across this country. We are all victims and our courts most importantly are victims.
I am of course filing motions. But I have scant hope that courts will even care about this.
Such is the state of the law.