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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Chase Employee- “We’re in The Foreclosure Business Not Modifications”

Chase-Bank-ModificationsHow many millions of hours have Americans spent filling out all their forms? How much has Fed Ex made overnight packages back and forth? How much time and how many million dollars was wasted on the billion dollar bank boodoggle called the modification scam?   Of course, nothing at all could be accomplished to help the average American, but the banks shoved billions into their own pockets while running Americans around through a senseless maze like a bunch of circus animals….but just listen to what Mandelman Says:

When it comes to homeowners applying for loan modifications, mortgage servicers come in three types:   Terribly Annoying, Unbearably Annoying, and Make-You-Want-to-Burn-Your-House-to-the-Ground Annoying.

Some people laugh at that description, and I might have laughed at it too, before I came to realize that it was such a dramatic understatement.

Not only are all mortgage servicers absolutely God-awful to deal with all the time and in every conceivable way, but they haven’t changed even one iota in three years.   They were entirely incompetent when they started modifying loans and they are every bit as incompetent today.   It’s really quite stunning”¦ the only thing they do consistently is perform poorly.

Mandelman Matters