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Foreclosure Defense Florida

BOMBSHELL- Make sure you know who’s Defending Your Foreclosure!

I’ve been sitting on this one for a while, but now that an article has been published in the Daily Business Review, it’s time to let the cat out of the bag.

The questionable ethics that are on full display amid this foreclosure crisis are staggering.   Fake evidence, fraudulent claims, total lack of respect for the courts and judges…all that’s bad….real, real bad, but potential conflicts of interest that put clients in jeopardy….that goes far beyond and violates the fundamental principles of our profession.

Read for yourself the pleadings filed here and the article here.

Why have the foreclosure mills and their associates been given blanket exemptions from ethics rules by judges and the Florida Bar?

Why are attorneys still submitting affidavits and assignments with no personal knowledge?

Why are “attorneys” routinely showing up to court for dozens of hearings without even their own case file in hand, much less any knowledge of the facts in the case they’re arguing?

Why are foreclosure mill attorneys continuing to schedule Motions without first trying to resolve the matters AND CERTIFYING TO THE COURT THAT SUCH CONTACTS WERE MADE?

Why are foreclosure mills setting hearings and not coordinating with opposing counsel? (You can stop this practice by requiring that ALL your hearings be coordinated in writing. Evidence that this is your established procedure can be submitted to the court when you later don’t get notice of that hearing.)

Why are the foreclosure mills permitted to make millions in profits while our judges, JAs and consumers suffer through impossible efforts to communicate with these MILLIONAIRE MILLS?

I could go on forever here, but….read the pleadings….great work once again Ice Legal.