Consumers, for years have advised that they were specifically NOT TO MAKE THEIR MORTGAGE PAYMENTS…
And now there is clear evidence. Read directly from HAMP Script:
”Homeowner Advised to Miss Payment (1) Confirm with homeowner (or homeowner advocate) that the property is the homeowner’s principal residence. (a) If no, explain that a homeowner can never be required to miss a payment however, under HAMP Tier 2 there is no risk of imminent default review when the mortgage loan is secured by a rental property. Explain the HAMP Tier 2 eligibility criteria and close case. (b) If yes, advise homeowner (or homeowner advocate) that they are NOT required to miss a payment. (Advise homeowner that they will be reviewed against imminent default criteria for principal residence.)(3) Obtain evidence that homeowner was advised to miss payment(s) including name and contact phone number of servicer’s representative.(4) Confirm with servicer. (a) If servicer acknowledges error, require servicer to communicate correct status to homeowner (or homeowner advocate). (b) If servicer denies allegation, communicate misunderstanding to homeowner (or homeowner advocate), discuss next required actions before closing case.”
Read this very carefully and understand what it means….HAMP acknowledges that the servicers were telling consumers to go into default….