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Foreclosure Defense Florida


BP Oil Disaster In GulfConsumers all across the State of Florida are being victimized by companies that take their money and promise results, but can do absolutely nothing for them.   The agencies that could investigate and shut down these illegal operations could do so, but choose not to.   It makes me furious.   Just like the epic disaster we have brewing out in the Gulf, the government failed to act and now tragic consequences are the result.   It’s time we all step up and demand more accountability from these elected officials.   Do Your Part- Report All Examples of Foreclosure Rescue or Mortgage Modification Scams Here:

Florida Attorney General

Florida Department of Financial Services

I have a special place of disdain in my heart for the Florida Bar.   The Bar has sat idly by while this foreclosure crisis grips this state and have done very little.   Attorneys licensed in this state have set up shady operations and bilked clients out of money—THEY SHOULD BE DISBARRED. Lawyers from out of state have taken millions of dollars from Floridians when they could do little or nothing for them—THEY TOO SHOULD BE DISBARRED.   Unfortunately, getting the Bar’s attention often seems hopeless.   For what it’s worth, here’s their number, please contact and report improper attorney behavior here:

The Florida Bar