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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Bank Break Ins….People Are Going To Be Killed…..Just Wait….A Homeowner Will Stand His Ground

I was contacted by another consumer today who had a confrontation with a bank thug who trespassed on her property to do a “home inspection”.   Now she was current in her loan modification at the time the bank sent a thug to “inspect” her home.   When she found him in her back yard, he was peering in her windows and trying her doorhandles.
What this “inspector” didn’t know was that his target was a weapons expert specially trained in close arms security.   Neither did he know that the next door neighbor was a military officer with extensive combat training.   The inspector was lucky he was dealing with highly trained targets who engaged in proper risk assessment….play out the same scenario with targets who don’t have the training or restraint and it will turn deadly real soon.
And I promise you, it is going to turn deadly….someone is going to be shot.   The bank inspectors already admit that they routinely get guns pulled on them or have confrontations with homeowners…eventually the confrontation will turn deadly….
This is devastating and terrifying and no one cares to do anything about it.
It’s a very scary reality.