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Foreclosure Defense Florida

Attorneys Should Hold Private, Secret Hearings To Report Fraud….

foreclosure-lawyersI really think my head is going to explode.   It’s getting way past the point of being able to make sense of any of this….from the Palm Beach Post:

In an opinion that could have unfathomable consequences in countless foreclosure cases, The Florida Bar says attorneys must notify a judge about potential fraud “” including robo-signed affidavits and forged notary stamps “” even if a foreclosure case is closed and the home has been sold at auction.

The direction was published in an article in today’s issue of The Florida Bar Journal as part of an outline in a new free online foreclosure class offered by The Bar. The class is in response to problems that led several major lenders to temporarily freeze foreclosures last fall.

No one knows how many cases could be affected or what judges will do when they are notified. About 1.2 million foreclosures have been filed in Florida since January 2007, according to RealtyTrac. Investigators for the Florida Attorney General’s Office have found tens of thousands of forged signatures, backdated documents and other problem paperwork at four law firms, so-called “foreclosure mills” currently under investigation.

Palm Beach Post