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…(otherwise Police will come to throw you out)

The nation’s banking class engage in a crime spree that is unprecedented in the history of mankind.  I don’t think the Romans or Phoenicians were nearly as bold in their efforts to steal, rob, pillage.

The nation’s banks, robbed, stole, engaged and fraud and a wide range of crimes and schemes against not just the individual citizens and consumers, but against the entirety of state and federal government.  A small sampling of those crimes are memorialized in the National Mortgage Settlement which details not just notary fraud and forgery (who cares about those little things like fabricating evidence and perjury), but most importantly, the National Mortgage Settlement describes in detail how the nation’s banks robbed billions of dollars from the federal government and ultimately from taxpayers by submitting false insurance claims related to the very mortgages they are now foreclosing.

The banks signed the settlement and agreed to pay a few dollars.  The explicit terms of the settlement provided that the money the banks paid BECAUSE THEY ENGAGED IN CRIMES! was supposed to be used to “HELP” consumers.  But here in Florida, that money…millions of dollars….has been mainlined into a court system which is set up to achieve one over arching goal….


And clearing the foreclosure backlog means granting foreclosure judgments, refusing to cancel foreclosure sales, refusing to consider that loan modifications or other resolution options are being considered.  There is one goal, and one goal only….


Using the money that was paid by the banks as a penalty for committing crimes.  Using money that was supposed to be used to “Help” consumers.

This of course is madness. Insane. Perfect. Madness.  The end product of this madness will be more families (remember, the ones that were supposed to be “helped” by the settlement) thrown into the street.  But who cares about them after all.  The other consequence will be a faltering real estate market being flooded with homes, which will be in very bad conditions, after the families who have been abused at the hands of their own government.

Beware the law of unintended consequences.  On second thought…who cares….right?  Grant those judgments, grant title to any old plaintiff that happens to be in court….set those foreclosure sales and sell the homes to…..??????