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Arrest The Criminals- (Not The Bankers) The Peace Protesters With Chalk Art!

ACLU-SarasotaThat should be law enforcement’s new battle cry…Arrest the Protesters….actually, it already is their battle cry.

Please come out and join the Sarasota ACLU this Saturday!

SARASOTA – This time, it won’t be just a few peacenik sayings written in chalk on the sidewalk at Five Points Park.

On Thursday, to show support for an Occupy Sarasota protester who was arrested for chalking peace sayings at Five Points Park over the weekend, a local artist plans to chalk up much of the park with a drawing of the U.S. Constitution and the entire First Amendment.

The artwork will be created during a rally to highlight the right to free speech after the incident Saturday angered some in Sarasota who say the arrest was unnecessary and too rough.

The Sarasota Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is holding the public rally at the same spot where 40-year-old Occupy Sarasota activist and disabled military veteran Chris Young was arrested Saturday for writing chalk slogans on the sidewalk.

Local artist Truman Adams will create a chalk rendering of the U.S. Constitution on the spot where Young wrote political slogans.