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Are Timothy Geithner, Hank Paulson, Ben Bernake Guilty of Treason?

Earlier this week, the mayor of New York city warned that there will be riots in the streets of the United States of America if (when) nothing is done to put people to work.

I would add to this that Americans will be marching in the streets when they finally wake up and realize that the central bankers that run this country have looted the national treasury of hundreds of billions of dollars.   Since 2008, the Geithner, Paulson, Bernake troika have turned over the national checkbook and written unlimited to checks to…..well, we really don’t know who they’ve written the checks to or just how big all the checks were.   What we do know is that billions or trillions of my dollars, your dollars, your parents and grandparents dollars and your children and their children’s dollars were turned over to national and foreign banks and major companies like AIG.

Google “Geithner and Haircut” and read how the foreign banks and the criminal gamblers got paid off 100% on the bad bets they made.   The made money all the way up the river, the made money all the way down the river then they cashed in all their worthless chips when the house folded.   And you paid for every single penny that they made.   Every day that you go to work, understand that several of the hours that you are working now go to pay the central bankers.   And at the end of the month when you don’t have money left in your checking account, understand that a big part of the reason for this is because Geithner, Paulson and Bernake have already raided your bank account.

Now with all that in mind, listen carefully to the following exchange between Elizabeth Warren and Timothy Geithner.   Warren is asking a simple question,

“Timmy, what did you do with hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars?”

I’m pretty sure he has at least some idea where most of the money went, but I also believe that neither he nor Paulson nor Bernake (nor Obama or Bush for that matter) know exactly what happened with all the money of the United States treasury.   Like most of you, I lived under the delusion that our government had things all figured out….or at least some of the things.   But now I believe that at some point in time the whole machine spun wildly out of control.   Some players have control of some pieces and other players have control of other pieces, but there is no conductor sitting in the middle of this cacophony that has any real control over the whole circus.   And it’s not a three ring circus…there are untold number of rings, some interconnected and others totally attenuated.   But at the center of all of this is you, the American people who have been robbed blind.   And at the end of the day someone is responsible for this.   Was this purposeful or is this whole crime spree malfeasance?   Either way, the question is, does it rise to the level of treason?   Keep that in mind as you watch this video: