After a standing-room only turnout to hear April Charney and Matt Weidner at the CONA September meeting, Foreclosure Mess 101, about the impact on our whole community, planning for Foreclosure Mess 102 has begun already. If you missed this first meeting, thanks to Michael Woodward and Will Franco (aka Flywheel) a video of the speakers has been posted to YouTube, and, a week after the meeting, the views already are close to 700.
A few days after our meeting, April Charney was interviewed by Gretchen Morgenson of the New York Times for her article,
Here is a link to Stan Zimmermann’s article on the CONA meeting and at the bottom is a link to the video as well as some discussion by an attorney in California was posted in the comments following the article.
Today, Dennis Maley has released an article on the meeting as well at,
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