The passion from real people is so powerful. And you know that there is no one on the other side of these bills who is reaching out in this way. Only the monied special interests buying their way into Florida’s law books. How can our elected leaders ignore pleas like this:
Florida Senate Committee on Banking and Insurance
Senator David Simmons (R)
(407) 262-7578
(850) 487-5010
Senator Jeff Clemens (D)
(561) 540-1140
(850) 487-5027
Senator Lizbeth Benacquisto (R)
(407) 262-7578
(850) 487-5010
Senator Nancy C. Detert (R)
(941) 480-3547
(850) 487-5028
Senator Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R)
(305) 643-7200
(850) 487-5040
Senator Alan Hays (R)
(352) 742-6441
(850) 487-5011
Senator Tom Lee (R)
(813) 653-7061
(850) 487-5024
Senator Gwen Margolis (D)
(305) 571-5777
(850) 487-5035
Senator Bill Montford (D)
(850) 653-2656
(850) 487-5003
Senator Joe Negron (R)
(772) 219-1665
(850) 487-5032
Senator Garrett Richter (R)
(239) 417-6205
(850) 487-5023
Senator Jeremy Ring (D)
(954) 917-1392
(850) 487-5029