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Amerika 2012- Slouching Toward Nurenburg, America's Descent Into Darkness

Most people will not have the courage it takes to read this article all the way through.   It is painful and scary so most people will fade off after a few paragraphs.   But Amerikans must wake up and realize this is not the nation the propaganda ministers in your elementary school or high school civics class told you about.   All of those stories and policies and that thing called “The Constitution” are dangerous delusions…the theater played out before you is merely a distraction.   But every delusion must eventually be replaced with reality. And in the case of post-delusion Amerika, waking up will be terrifyingly painful…… Strange things are happening in the United States these days, and every day seems to bring additional scary news.   The similarity to the erosion of civil liberties in Germany during the 1930s is a bit too close for comfort. Many will regard this statement as hyperbole, and, to some extent, it is. But let’s take a close look at what is going on before we dismiss the comparison out of hand. In terms of the historical record for Germany, legal discrimination against Jews certainly existed before the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, and grew steadily over time. There was always a feeling in the Jewish community””most of whom regarded themselves as Germans, after all””that ” OK, that’s the worst of it.” Hence, the decision to stay. Then came the next set of restrictions, and again the response: ” This is as far as it will go.” It was like the classic experiment of turning up the heat on frogs placed in warm water. Gradually, they get boiled to death, because the increase of heat is incremental.   It was only toward the end of the thirties that the choice began to look like: jump or die. Finally, it became simply, die. AMERICA’S DESCENT INTO DARKNESS