It is undeniable that George Bush and his entire team of lying fascists engaged in War Crimes as part of their concerted effort to send American soldiers into the Iraq war of conquest and plunder. That this statement is not disputed is confirmed with the direct and explicit admissions of Bush, Cheney and Colin Powell themselves, among many others.
Next, he sent our men and women into Afghanistan, which is no different than sending troops into Canada to punish America for her war crimes.
We will never know just how many American soldiers died because these war-mongering fascists were comfortable spilling blood in order to preserve the interest of their corporate and world chess game masters. While we have some rough estimate of those men and women who were killed on battlefields, the 8,000 reported souls lost doesn’t begin to tell the story. No one dares to talk about how they are killed when they return home. Suicide. Depression. No Future.
If you dare, take a look at this map, pay particular attention to the high concentration of casualties from the Tampa Bay area.
And this doesn’t even begin to count the hundreds of thousands or millions of innocents that are killed, maimed, tortured every single day in Iraq and Afganistan and Pakistan and Yemen…killed because America said so.
And now today, we talk about Chemical Weapons in Syria?
Well, what about the estimated 4 million pounds of depleted uranium that America left floating around Iraq? DU coated nearly every bullet, every bomb, every munition that we set loose all across that land. And now that dust is doing what every single thinking person in the world knows that it would do….it is creating horrifying, disfiguring, torturing injuries.
George Bush and his fascists did that.
They did that in our name.
And the kind of systemic, world altering war crimes comes with a price. A price that we will all be paying for the rest of our lives. It comes (for now at least) in a completely wrecked and racked financial system. A country devoid of jobs, lacking direction and abandoned (correctly so) by whatever “friends” we once had.
Meanwhile, Americans here at home are being are being either thrown into the street, directly or they are being bled to death slowly through rising costs, higher insurance, inflation, creeping, suffocating loss of economy and future.
Those that sat aside while the lower middle class were being beaten and kicked didn’t seem to get that the beating and kicking was going to make its way slowly but ever so surely up the socio economic ladder.
And now we’re seeing this all across America. Increasing costs…the slow, steady, unrelenting squeeze.
But again, complaining about all of that when the root cause of the squeeze was and remains so much worse is a bit disrespectful.
But it certainly seems improper to whine about such things, the costs we will pay, when the costs are immeasurable for innocents around the world.