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Foreclosure Defense Florida

A Most Disappointing Foreclosure Trial Transcript, With A Devastating Conclusion…..

The attached trial transcript reflects a devastating loss to me personally.   It also reflects real areas of conflict within the existing body of appellate law. The next waves of this war are now starting to form across the horizon.   We’ve largely moved past Motion to Dismiss and Summary Judgment issues.   We’ve moved through discovery and other substantive law.   Now the next phase is trials.   We should all be prepared for trials in every single case. And then appeals when appropriate.

These are indeed unsettling times and quite frankly our trial courts have a nearly impossible burden placed upon them.   It’s a burden placed upon them that every single taxpayer and homeowner must bear.   All the while, the banks that caused all this chaos and conflict wallow in hundreds of billions of dollars in ill-gotten gains.   One of the most important take aways I get from this transcript is the time and attention devoted by the court to this trial.   I don’t like the outcome here, but I have profound respect for a court that holds a foreclosure trial to the same standard as all other important cases.

I tried desperately to articulate the real and substantive problems that course throughout our entire legal, financial and government system….any old plaintiff showing up in court can get a foreclosure judgment. …it’s truly a disturbing state of law….

And now, read my pain….

125519 HEARING