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Foreclosure Defense Florida

A Big Fat Steaming Pile of Bogus Assignments– Look out for HSBC Bank!

I’ve been at this practice of law thing for a very long time now.   One thing that was made very clear to me from the moment I ever thought of stepping foot in the courtroom was that you never…ever lie.   Now that’s not a problem for me or most attorneys because not lying to the court is wrapped right up there tightly with the respect I and most attorneys have for judges and the court.

Foreclosure Fraud- Total Disregard For Courts, Judges And The Rule of Law

The lack of respect for the court and for our system of laws is one of the things that makes me just furious about the Foreclosure Fraud Fight many of us are currently engaged in.   So our system of laws and respect for judges and the courts has broken down so badly that the Supreme Court has to pass a rule, requiring parties to specifically swear to the truthfulness of what they’re filing….oh and even after the rule is passed, the lying wrongdoers just ignore the Rule…and there apparently aren’t any consequences…..anyway, I digress…it’s just that I’m blown away that the fraud and lying has become so widespread.

An Average Joe With a Bombshell Set of Documents

So with that as the backstory, let me get to the heart of this stinking story. Into my office today walks a regular Joe.   Not an attorney or someone with any legal training, but a bright guy with a head on his shoulders who just happened to be getting foreclosed on by HSBC.   He thought that was strange because he never borrowed any money from HSBC and didn’t know who they were.   He didn’t just roll over when they sued him, he demanded they show him proof that they were entitled to sue him, so they filed an Assignment of Mortgage. Hang with me here because now’s when the story gets good.   The Assignment of Mortgage that allegedly gave HSBC the legal right to sue him looked suspicious to Joe so he started calling around….he called HSBC.

Turns out the woman who signed the Assignment of Mortgage which purported to give HSBC the right to sue him was signed by…….an employee of HSBC, Michelle Ragland.   Not only that, but the witnesses and Notary Public…all of them are employees of HSBC.   So just so we’re clear here…HSBC executed the document they later submitted to the court which they claim gives them the right to sue my client. Now this would be bad enough if it happened just once, but as he started digging around in courthouses across the country he started finding more and more such questionable assignments.

I’ve attached a sampling of these questionable assignments here…look closely at each of them.   Michele Ragland, Jamie Giglio, Christopher Ribbeck.   Scroll through each of the Assignments and look at the names, look how they switch from witnesses to Vice President. Compare each of the alleged signatures against one another….don’t they appear different?   Next look at the names these questionable assignments are being executed on behalf of….Wilmington Finance, Accredited Home Lenders, Decision One Mortgage, Ameritrust Mortgage…..who knows who actually holds the note in each of these cases, my guess is they just pulled the name off the mortgage and just popped that into the old word processor.

And look who else is part of this whole questionable party…..our old friend MERS.

  1. I wonder whether any of the lenders on whose behalf these mortgages were allegedly assigned actually granted the signers the power to assign these mortgages?
  2. I wonder whether MERS granted these signers the authority to sign these documents?
  3. I wonder whether the Federal Bankruptcy Trustee granted authority for these signers to transfer bankruptcy estate property for those lenders that were in bankruptcy when these alleged transfers occurred?
  4. I wonder just how many more assignments there are like this out there floating around?
  5. I wonder how many families have already lost their homes or who will lose their homes based on Assignments that are so questionable on their face? (I mean, the documents say, “Prepared by HSBC” on their face…isn’t that enough to make anyone say…..HOLD IT!”)

Anyway, for all you out there who are being sued by HSBC….take a close look at your assignments….for all you attorneys out there….pull through your files and have a close look.   For all you pro se advocates out there…let this be an example of the game changing, bombshell work that you can do and the massive contributions you can make to the fight against Foreclosure Fraud. Keep digging, Keep Fighting.

And for you Average Joe….please respond to this post so that others can do the same work you did and forward these questionable assignments to you.   Great work…maybe the ball you’ve started rolling will end up like the federal investigation of the Lender Processing Services!