2) Why the Law Offices of David Stern has been permitted to spin off his law practice into a non-lawyer corporation traded on the NASDAQ with the express purpose of selling the corporation to an unidentified Chinese corporation?
3) What will it take to make foreclosure mediations successful?
4) Why have the mortgage modification programs not been successful?
5) What will it take to solve the mortgage foreclosure crisis?
6) What is the Florida Consumer Attorney Network?
7) What can consumers who cannot afford to hire an attorney do to protect themselves?
Please let the station know that these topics are important by calling in with your questions. If news outlets receive positive response to forums like this, more will be held and we will have a much greater audience to spread our message that the foreclosure crisis will only be addressed when elected circuit court judges demand an end to the fraudulent, unfair and deceptive practices of the banks and their attorneys.